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Errol Greene 
Creator of the Ex Your Ex Program

Errol Greene is a dating and relationship coach on a mission to change the way the world gets over devastating breakups.


After his own gut-wrenching breakup, Errol searched for help and realized that the standard breakup recovery advice... just didn't work. Looking for meaningful advice, he found such helpful suggestions as "Throw yourself a party" and "Don't be afraid to feel your emotions!"... and yes, those were actual suggestions.


Shockingly, these inspirational gems didn't help, so he decided to research and find what *actually* did get people over a broken heart.


He'd heard "Don't worry, time heals all wounds" but what exactly changes... over time? Errol needed help now, so he decided to explore the question of WHAT changes over time, and if there was a way to speed up "time" when it came to recovering?


It turns out, there is. He explored the psychology of attachment, loss, and relationships, focusing primarily on what brought people to the "acceptance" stage of a loss. His research uncovered powerful concepts he'd never seen or heard before.


Realizing he'd finally found the answers he was looking for, he compiled them into his own personal system for getting over an ex more quickly than had been previously thought possible. He then offered his advice online and became quite popular with over 16 million answer views on relationships and life.


To date, Errol's concepts have helped thousands of people worldwide recover from breakups and broken attachments. His 30-day, Ex Your Ex program employs techniques that reframe negative thoughts and manage to reduce intense emotions.


This approach enables individuals to clearly see and understand the hidden realities of their relationship. By providing tools to process pain, clear subconscious blocks, recognize the lies our minds tell us, and once ready, attract healthy relationships, the program offers a comprehensive path to emotional healing.


Ex Your Ex doesn't just help people get over your ex - it transforms people's understanding of themselves and their relationships. It allows them to see and overcome negative patterns, build confidence to date again without fear, and map a path to their ideal future partner. Far beyond “getting over,” Errol’s program transforms how people relate to their relationships, themselves, and their partners, leading to healthy, lasting relationships.


Errol's down-to-earth, "I've been there, too," approach makes this content easy to absorb and implement. If you're suffering from a breakup that's still haunting you, Errol will help you find the insights you need to break free forever and never feel this way again.

The Ex Your Ex Program Story

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